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  • Last Updated December 27, 2021

Expression of Interest for Geotechnical Site Investigation Uganda

Worley Europe Limited as EPcmC Early Services Contractor for East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Project invites experienced and reputable Contractors to express their interest
in providing Geotechnical Investigation Services for the EACOP Project.
The Republic of Uganda, the Uganda National Oil Company  (UNOC), the United Republic of Tanzania and/or Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC), as well as other international oil companies partaking in the development of Exploration Areas 1, 1A, 2 and Kingfisher Discovery Area in the Albertine Graben in Uganda or their affiliates will participate in the implementation of the EACOP Project (Potential Pipeline Participants).

The EACOP Project development involves the engineering, construction, operation and maintenance of a crude oil export pipeline crossing Uganda and Tanzania and an onshore Marine
Terminal in Chongoleani, near Tanga Port in Tanzania.

Interested companies which meet the minimum requirements and have the capacity to provide the services listed above should express their interest by sending together with the above listed documents an email to contractor-info@eacop-proc.com (Max. Email Size: 20 MBs & all documents must be submitted in the English language) on or before 17:00 hours East African Time (EAT), on 8th  January 2022. Companies satisfactorily meeting the above minimum requirements will receive, subject to the signature of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), a detailed pre-qualification questionnaire for further evaluation.