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  • Create Date August 22, 2023
  • Last Updated August 22, 2023

Job Opportunities

Employment Opportunities with the Petroleum Authority of Uganda

The Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU) is a statutory body established under Section 9 of the Petroleum (Exploration, Development and Production) Act 2013, and in line with the National Oil and Gas Policy for Uganda which was approved in 2008. The mandate of the Petroleum Authority of Uganda is to monitor and regulate the exploration, development, and production, together with the refining, gas conversion, transportation, and storage of petroleum in Uganda. This includes ensuring that petroleum operations in Uganda are carried out in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations, guidelines, statutes and in line with international best practice for the petroleum industry.

The Petroleum Authority of Uganda now invites applications from qualified Ugandans who fully meet the required job specifications and with the right personal attributes to occupy the following positions in the Authority’s established structure.
1. Officer License Compliance
2. Petroleum Engineer-Production.
3. Geologist Reservoir
4.Operations, and Compliance Officer.
5.Petroleum Officer, Refining.
6.National Content Officer, Manpower Regulation, and NOGTR.
7.Environment Officer Monitoring.
8. Social Affairs Officer.
9. Safety Officer Standards.

PAU will ONLY consider online applications submitted through her website. Interested
persons who fully meet the required job specifications and with the right personal attributes for the above positions are invited to visit the PAU website: www.pau.go.ug and follow the link to “OPPORTUNITIES-CAREERS-VACANCIES” to view details and apply for the available opportunities.

All applications should reach the PAU’s website www.pau.go.ug by Wednesday 6th September, 2023 at 11:59 pm.

1. ONLY online applications will be considered. Applications submitted by e-mail will not be accepted.
2. Applicants are required to scan and attach CERTIFIED copies of the required academic documents only e.g., Degree, Transcript, Diploma, A-level and O-level certificates.
3. Academic documents for the successful candidates will be vetted and background checks conducted before they are considered for appointment into the Authority.
4. Only short listed and successful candidates will be contacted, and any form of lobbying will lead to automatic disqualification.
5. All appointments shall be subject to a probationary period of not more than six months and subsequent confirmation in service will be based on satisfactory performance of the individual.
6. Please forward any enquires regarding this advert to recruitment@new.pau.go.ug or call telephone number +256 313231500.

“PAU is an equal opportunity employer and does not charge any money to any applicant for employment in its Service”