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- Create Date October 5, 2022
- Last Updated November 29, 2022
Upstream National Content Guidelines for Uganda's oil and gas sector
The National Oil and Gas Policy for Uganda, 2008 describes the Country’s aspirations for national
participation in the Oil and Gas Sector. Specifically, Objectives 7 and 8 of the Policy call for optimum
national participation in oil and gas activities and support the development and maintenance of
national skills and expertise”.
The Petroleum (Exploration, Development, and Production) Act, 2013 (“the Upstream Act”) further
provides a framework for the regulation of the upstream segment of the oil and gas industry in
Uganda. The Act was formulated to, among others; regulate petroleum exploration, development,
and production; as well as supporting the development of State participation and National Content
in the petroleum industry in Uganda.
The Petroleum Authority of Uganda (“the Authority”) was established under section 9 of the
Upstream Act with a mandate to enforce and ensure compliance with the statutory requirements
stipulated in both the Upstream and Midstream legislation.
To operationalize certain provisions in the said legislation, the Minister responsible for petroleum
issued the Petroleum (Exploration, Development, and Production) (National Content) Regulations,
2016 (Upstream National Content Regulations). The Regulations were formulated pursuant to Section
183 of the Upstream Act. The Regulation provides a secondary tier of the National Content legal
regime and presents an elaborate framework for compliance with National Content requirements to
be fulfilled by the oil and gas industry players.
In line with the stated objectives in the legislation, the Petroleum Authority of Uganda is mandated
to facilitate the industry players in understanding the compliance requirements of the National
Content legal framework. Therefore, the Authority has developed Guidelines on National Content
to enhance this understanding.
For more information contact:
Head Office: Petroleum House (Block A), Plot 21-29 Johnston Road
P.O. Box 833 Entebbe - Uganda
Tel: +256 313 231 600 +256 417 896 600
www.pau.go.ug ed@new.pau.go.ug @PAU_Uganda